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Why You Should Avoid Door Handle Germs
January 20, 2021 Mike Sewell

Why You Should Avoid Door Handle Germs

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought increased attention and study around the ways diseases and infections are transmitted. One such transmittal source is fomites. Fomites are an issue in indoor settings where multiple people touch common surfaces. Despite multiple ways to avoid them, there's only one truly effective way to avoid them.
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  • Ultimate Guide to ADA Door Requirements
    April 11, 2022 Nick Simmonds

    Ultimate Guide to ADA Door Requirements

    Guide outlining requirements for door clearance, door width, and the door handle. The Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 assures access for disabled and non-disabled people alike. 
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  • Why You Should Avoid Door Handle Germs
    January 20, 2021 Mike Sewell

    Why You Should Avoid Door Handle Germs

    The COVID-19 pandemic has brought increased attention and study around the ways diseases and infections are transmitted. One such transmittal source is fomites. Fomites are an issue in indoor settings where multiple people touch common surfaces. Despite multiple ways to avoid them, there's only one truly effective way to avoid them.
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  • What we can all agree on when it comes to COVID-19
    November 11, 2020 Mike Sewell

    What we can all agree on when it comes to COVID-19

    It’s tough to escape all the competing headlines about COVID-19 mitigation. There are differing viewpoints and research on nearly every aspect of COVID-19. How harmful is the virus…really? Is it possible to be infected more than once? Do masks really help? Can the virus live on surfaces?

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  • How long does COVID last on surfaces?
    October 29, 2020 Mike Sewell

    How long does COVID last on surfaces?

    According to new research, the COVID germs this person wiped on the door handle could still be there nearly a month later. This article provides details related to how long COVID germs can survive on surfaces and what we can do about it to prevent the spread.
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  • How to install a StepNpull®
    June 11, 2020 Mike Sewell

    How to install a StepNpull®

    In addition to the benefits of giving people a hands-free option to opening doors, another advantage of using StepNpull is its easy installation.

    We recommend using an electric screwdriver when installing on a solid wood door, although a regular screwdriver will work. A drill is mandatory when installing on a metal door. With the proper tools, installation typically takes less than five minutes per door.

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